Sweet and sour moderate - grapefruit Grapefruit is a typical southern fruit , sweet and slightly bitter with the rich juice , contains a lot of vitamin C. It contains na…
Tang Bao as long as possible ? Many people think that long after Tang Bao soup nutrition will be able to boil out , so " old fire soup" in the printing has long been con…
Pepper in treating this problem above , many people will raise a lot of different experience and understanding. Eat chili angry, stimulate the stomach to eat chili viewp…
Fall not mess tonic , according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine , " Yang Yang spring and summer , autumn and winter Yin " , the autumn season is a good…
Up in the morning, the first cup of fresh or salt water to help the body detox and cleansing the stomach. Breakfast beneficial light, nutritionally balanced as well. Suc…
1 , gastrointestinal damage , irregular diet -induced gastrointestinal diseases , not eat to eat , eat , eat too much, one will be upset gastrointestinal clock. After ea…
Experts said to eat "four-legged animal" meat from the nutrition, the "four legs (pigs, cattle, sheep) is better than two legs (chicken, goose), two legs better than one…
One refers to drink a bag of milk, can effectively improve our diet is generally low daily calcium intake phenomenon. If milk intolerance, available yogurt, low-lactose …
Eating healthy is a reasonable diet, that balance, variety, moderation. Dietary diversification, which contain the full range of nutrients, proper proportion, in suffic…
Experts say to eat "four legged animal" meat, nutritionally speaking, "four legs (pigs, cattle, sheep) than two legs (chicken, goose), as a leg of the two legs of the l…
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