Eating healthy is a reasonable diet, that balance, variety, moderation. Dietary diversification, which contain the full range of nutrients, proper proportion, in sufficient quantity. Dietary energy and nutrients provided by the body to maintain balance and requirements.
( 2 ) six basic nutrients needed by the body necessary nutrients the body : ie, protein , carbohydrate ( food ) , fats ( oils and fat ) , vitamins ( vitamin A, B, C, D , etc. ) , trace element ( sodium, potassium, magnesium , iron, etc. ) , water.
( 3 ) Chinese pagoda resident nutritionist to eat a balanced diet every day is divided into five major categories of food , just to buy food category , can basically ensure nutritional balance. Dietary pagoda Show: First layer: pagoda in fats and oils at the top level should not exceed 25g ( two and a half ) of the second layer per person per day : milk and dairy products, beans and soy products. Third layer: poultry meat , fish , eggs . Fourth layer : vegetables , fruits fifth floor : Carbohydrates are the most basic human food , is the main component of daily food structure and is therefore five categories pagoda underlying ( base ) over more varieties of food , reasonable, scientific catering, energy supply of energy and nutrients to meet human needs, promote the body's normal development, enhance physical fitness and ability to adapt to the environment , prevention of various diseases.
( 4 ) pay attention to food hygiene to prevent food poisoning. Learning the Food Sanitation Law , receive food hygiene education , to develop good food hygiene practices , and enhance the ability of self-protection , prevention of food poisoning.
( 1 ) fasting poisoned , dead livestock or poultry, fish .
( 2 ) do not drink and shoddy counterfeit products .
( 3 ) Do not eat moldy , contaminated food .
( 4 ) vegetables and fruits before eating, washing with water , soak.
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