- xiangjiang style fish head
- Ingredients: Large selection of more than seven pounds of silver carp head, spicy pepper sauce and clams from Hunan unique mix of Shanghai head .
1 , the large silver carp head clean from the middle of a split into two lips , change the flower knife ; scallions cleaned, sliced ginger spare
2, the purchase of which come Duojiao hand grip to squeeze the water clean, and then re- add water , soaked 3-5 hours , go over it with water , remove air dry spare
3, diced red pepper , add a good deal in Duojiao Stir , then add chicken powder and mix well ; pot sitting on oil, add a good tune oil ( salad oil : lard = 1:1 ) , to burn to 7,8 into the heat, pour into marinated in Duojiao
4 , a good head on change knife smeared oyster sauce, steamed fish soy sauce (30ml), white wine , sprinkle chicken powder, white pepper , basil marinated for 10 minutes.
5 , put the pot dish , dish put two onion, a few slices of ginger, chopsticks were setting up the M -type . The marinated fish head with chopsticks set up , the head surface sprinkled with marinated Duojiao , topped with a spoonful of steamed fish soy sauce , add the onion, ginger , basil, put the steamer and steam for 15 minutes . After removing the steamed fish head , remove the onion, ginger , basil , leaving only chop pepper , then sprinkle with chopped green onion , topped with hot oil can.
- 播放:1267
- 发布:2014.03.31
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