1, buy food, pay attention to whether the food packaging manufacturer, production date, shelf life is over, food ingredients, nutritional content is marked, with or without QS logo, can not buy three products.
2, open food packaging, check whether it is proper food sensory properties. Inedible spoilage, rancidity grease, mildew, vermin, filthy dirty, mixed with foreign matter or other unusual sensory properties of food, if the sticky protein foods, food stains lipids have howl taste, the smell of fermenting carbohydrates abnormal sediment or drink so can not be eaten.
3, less than unlicensed vendors at lunch or purchase food and reduce the risk of food poisoning.
4, pay attention to personal hygiene, washing hands before meals and after, his cutlery cleaned and disinfected, not unclean containers for the food, do not throw garbage to prevent mosquito breeding.
5, eat less fried, fried food
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