( 1 ) rotten , rancid grease , mildew, vermin, filthy dirty, mixed with foreign matter or other abnormalities in sensory properties may harmful to human health ;
( 2 ) contain toxic or hazardous substances are toxic and harmful substances that may harmful to human health ;
( 3 ) contain pathogenic parasites, microorganisms or microbial toxin levels exceed the national limit standards ;
( 4 ) without a health examination or inspection of meat and meat products failed ;
( 5 ) died , poisoned or unknown cause, poultry, livestock, animals , aquatic animals and their products ;
( 6 ) containers unclean , severely damaged or dirty polluting means of transport ;
( 7 ) adulteration , doping , forgery, the impact of nutrition , health ;
( 8 ) with non-food raw materials , adding non-food use of chemical substances, or non-food as food ;
( 9 ) over the shelf life period ;
( 10 ) special needs such as disease prevention , health administrative departments of the State Council or provincial, autonomous regional and municipal people's government to ban the sale of special provisions ;( 12 ) other non- compliance with food hygiene standards and health requirements.
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