Food safety is characterized by a relative of the largest food safety . Refers to the relative safety of a food or food ingredient in a reasonable manner and under conditions of normal food intake does not cause actual damage to health certainty . This is because the foods are safe , in addition to the above depends on all aspects of production , transportation, storage , processing, marketing , cooking, eating , etc. , but also depends on the consumers' own inherent conditions .
So any food ingredient , even beneficial to human body composition or very low toxicity , if the number of eating too much or eating improper conditions , may cause toxic or injurious to health . Risk diet not only from the production process artificially applied pesticides, veterinary drugs , additives , etc. , but also a lot of natural toxins from the food itself contains . On the other hand , certain food safety and vary, such as fish, crabs, fish production and processing through a reasonable amount of food , it is safe for most people , but for a small number of people may fish allergies dangerous . In practice , various factors that directly or indirectly affect the safety of food. For example , pesticides as pest control , protection of output, but with a certain toxicity technical input factors of production , food security and human health will have a direct impact ; Meanwhile , other pesticides and fertilizer production technical factors as environmental factors affecting food security , its excessive or unreasonable use would air, water , soil , etc. interfere with the external environment , and thus indirectly affect food safety . In addition, close ties to environmental factors , technology , systems and concepts , such as between the decision process in ensuring food security should be a comprehensive study , analysis of the real causes of impacts, and the system to explore strategies to solve food safety problems . In many factors that affect food safety , the environment and related technical elements is the primary factor. From the status quo of China's food safety perspective, such as pesticides and fertilizers are important environmental factors affecting food safety and technical inputs of production factors .
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