
Green in Action 2014.03.28


In the increasingly serious environmental problems in today's society , the implementation of environmental education is a power in the interest of future generations of great works. In order to accumulate the child's environmental knowledge , improve children 's environmental awareness, thus forming a "green , starting with me ," the sense of responsibility , combined with the current reality of young weitang three annual evaluation of the development work and the creation of targeted schools , carried out in order "green , starting with me" as the theme of a series of activities .
First, the mining theme connotation implement environmental education
Children's environmental awareness from an early age is our bounden duty of the teacher for the age characteristics of children , the theme of our existing programs , " green home " to make adjustments , restructuring , and fully extend its dominance of educational value , and efforts to tap the curriculum contains hidden value. By organizing the children observe and learn about pollution on people's production and life of the harm ; parents as well as different ways by accessing information collection ( books, TV, computer , etc. ) to learn ways to protect the environment , such as : waste can be reused again and garbage should be classified delivery, interior should not make much noise, to minimize noise , so the concept of protecting the environment and establish environmental protection , a preliminary environmental action .
Second, to carry out planting activities to enhance environmental responsibility
Children like fresh , unique , constantly changing environment, but also to meet for learning in vibrant , ever-changing environment, interaction with the environment constantly absorb new knowledge . To this end, we will be planting garden nursery and children 's environmental practices closely together, so that the child advocate plantations become green, environmental care practice base. Seasons, where children planting, fertilizing , watering , catching insects, picking ; observed there to explore , record, sketch , study, during which the children not only understand the growth of vegetables , stimulate the cultivation of natural green interest of vegetables and plants from which to understand the relationship and environmental factors ( water, soil, temperature , sunlight , etc. ) , enhancing the protection of plants and the responsibility to protect the environment.
Third, the implementation of the homes involved in environmental practices synchronization
Kindergarten parents are close partners , the support of parents , we can make our education more effective. First, we give full play to the leading role of teachers in all the teachers to carry out " self-made sporting goods " game , a piece made from waste activities utensils , not only to demonstrate the wisdom of teachers , but also for children and parents environmental practices to provide a reference . Second, actively carry out their homes synchronous activity in our garbage , waste battery collection and recycling Po and other activities , the parents not only give support more actively involved in our activities. Especially in our " turning waste into treasure " activities, consistent participation in environmental figure homes everywhere . A broken clothes, an abandoned bag , a useless box , the child and the parents of ingenious design , into one creative bags . Or to give as gifts , or shopping , or a game, we realized his own actions reduce duplication , reduce the white pollution promise , the interpretation of environmental significance.
Protection of the environment is the responsibility of society as a whole , therefore , we will advocate green with their own practical action to protect the planet for the benefit of us today , the more the benefit of our future .

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